Why Catholic Schools?

The mission of the Diocese of San Jose, the Catholic Community of Santa Clara County, is to be a local Church that will inspire the people of this Valley to live the values taught by Jesus Christ, inspiring them to integrity and action.




  • We produce generous leaders
  • Provide avenues of education for children of God in any social standing/class
  • We are a community that is invested in the children
  • Higher academic achievement
  • Students are more likely to retain Catholic identity into adultood


Grace From Covid
Grace From Covid

As a person filled with the fruits of the Holy Spirit, my mom knew how to nurture hope. Growing up, I never saw my mom complain about anything. If she personified hope, then my dad would be joy. Dad was always filled with the joy of the New Year, Tết. His smile could light up the whole world.

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Ashley Mathis Notre Dame San Jose
Ashley Mathis Notre Dame San Jose

Catholic schools have served and sustained communities for decades in the United States. Unique in mission, these institutions offer families superb academic programming bolstered by a legacy of faith. The principles of Christianity have been an integral part of who I am for most of life.

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An Educator from the Start
An Educator from the Start

My undergraduate experience at Morehouse College definitely inspired a strong appetite to become an educator. Mentored and coached by the Morehouse intelligentsia, my freshman English teacher made learning fun, exciting, and most of all, an exceptional experience.

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Together, with our Hearts Set on Fire
Together, with our Hearts Set on Fire

Graduation Speech Delivered at the Cathedral Basilica on Wed, May 3rd. Christus Vivit! Christ is alive and so are we! Indeed, we are grateful that we survived three years in the Institute for Leadership in Ministry. We spent approximately two years of that time in endless Zoom classes, with no contact, no hugs, and no celebrations.

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Serving Outside the Church Walls: Eleven Years After Graduating from the Institute for Leadership in Ministry
Serving Outside the Church Walls: Eleven Years After Graduating from the Institute for Leadership in Ministry

In 2012, I graduated from the Institute for Leadership in Ministry (ILM) and immediately entered the Diocesan Advanced Lay Leadership formation program leading to my commissioning as an Advanced Lay Leader in 2016.

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Mary Beth Riley is retiring in June as the Head of School for Notre Dame High School in San José, following a 38-year career as an educator and 12 years as head of school for NDSJ. She came to Notre Dame in 1985 as a French teacher and served as director of admissions from 1998 until 2006, when she was named principal.

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Mitty Student Confirmed
Mitty Student Confirmed

While I waited for Confirmation Mass with Bishop Oscar Cantú to begin, I reflected on my journey that culminated in that moment. My faith is the constant in my life. From daily prayers with my family to Sunday Mass, it is the foundation that forms me.

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Our Graduation
Our Graduation

Good evening. This day marks the end of the journey we began 3 years ago. Today we give thanks to God for having completed this commitment we made with love.

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Love Indeed is the Common Theme – Speech
Love Indeed is the Common Theme – Speech

My dear classmates, with regards to our faith, it is as if we started the Institute for Leadership in Ministry (ILM) three years ago with a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle that has yet to be completed. Just like a puzzle, analogously, I think we all began with just the border pieces worked out, already filled with admiration for the shapes and colors of the individual pieces.

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The Legacy of a Good and Brave Shepherd
The Legacy of a Good and Brave Shepherd

I was baptized in the Diocese of Vinh in Northern Vietnam, before my family moved to South Vietnam, where I attended Catholic school. After emigrating to the U.S. I became a local leader of the Friendship Organization of the Diocese of Vinh.

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Mitty Day of Service
Mitty Day of Service

This activity is one of three opportunities offered to Mitty employees with the aim of gathering together in faith. The Day of Service begins in the chapel where community prayer is held. Afterwards, we all set out to volunteer at different nonprofits throughout San Jose, Santa Clara, and Sunnyvale.

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