Associate Director of Restorative Justice


To provide a Catholic pastoral presence; to advocate for and to minister to the over 4,000 men, women, and juveniles incarcerated in the jails and juvenile facilities in the County of Santa Clara.  To provide a sensitivity to the ethnic and cultural differences and needs of this special population. To provide support for victims, ex-offenders, and families as required by the principles of Restorative Justice. To provide an advocacy component of Restorative Justice.


  • Direct and coordinate the activities of priest Chaplain and Catholic volunteers including maintaining approximately forty schedules of services each month in the county facilities. Prepare and distribute these schedules every three months.
  • Direct personally a minimum of four , either communion services or Scripture studies a week at the county jail facilities.
  • Supervise and direct the RCIA process for inmates who request sacramental preparation. Assign qualified and trained volunteers to work in this part of the program. Make arrangements for the rites proper to each stage of the RCIA for each inmate involved. Connect the inmate with a parish or with a state prison chaplain if he/she is transferred before sacramental preparation is completed.
  • Take care of all death notifications to inmates either personally, through the full time priest, or through one of the volunteers rained specifically for this.
  • Recruit, train, and supervise new volunteers and continue to supervise and mentor experienced volunteers. Provide three sessions of training each year. Engage appropriate guest speakers when possible.
  • Meet with the Captain or Lieutenants when necessary to review problems, report successes, begin new services, make changes in the schedules, etc.
  • Facilitate facility clearances for all volunteers and keep renewals updated.
  • Make sure that each volunteer attends the PREA class every two years within 90 days of his/her clearance.
  • Prepare and teach the 8 -week Scripture course (or Theology course) each year offered to all volunteers who have no formal theological training and distribute certificates of completion.
  • Oversee the Victim Ministry Committee and the monthly support group for Family Members of Incarcerated Persons Committee.
  • Provide two liturgical events annually in support and remembrance of victims of violence: a Eucharistic liturgy, liturgy of the hours, or an interfaith service.
  • Teach in the ILM program when invited – both an 8-week session and some evening or Saturday sessions each semester.
  • Represent the Diocese of San Jose at Restorative Justice meetings, retreats, and conference calls with the California Catholic Conferences. Oversee the grant given by the California Catholic Conference and prepare periodic reports on its use.
  • Coordinate with Catholic Charities, victims’ rights groups, and Friends Outside to provide referrals and services to inmates and their families.
  • Offer workshops, presentations, and trainings on Restorative Justice as requested to parish leaders.


Make facility arrangements, procure permission, and get clearances for Bishop to celebrate Mass:  on Christmas for the male inmates at Elmwood, Mother’s Day Mass for the female inmates at Elmwood, and in Juvenile Hall in January and other events as required.


The full-time priest Chaplain, the volunteer priests, the one hundred twenty detention volunteers, the person who facilitates the Victim Ministry, the person who facilitates the Family Support Group.

Education and/or Experience:  MA in Theology or a related field and 3-5 years of experience as Restorative Justice Minister or Chaplain.  A background in Catholic institutional settings and knowledge of Catholic Social Teaching is required as well as in leading Catholic Prayer Services (Communion Services, Liturgy of the Hours, devotions).  Training in sexual abuse and drug and alcohol abuse treatment.  .

Language Skills: Fluency in written and spoken English.  Spanish fluency desired.  Excellent verbal and written communication skills including ability to effectively present information and answer questions from groups, clients, and the general public.

Computational Skills:  Ability to generate yearly budget and competently oversee and manage expenses.

Technical Skills:  Proficiency in Microsoft Office.   Ability, with assistance, to maintain and update web page.

Certificates, Licenses, Registrations:  Valid driver’s license.  CPE certification a plus.

Other Requirements:  Ability to maintain confidentiality.  Personal transportation is needed for travel to facilities, community meetings and events and to parishes.  Hours will vary according to workload demands.  Some evening and weekend work required.

How to Apply: Please send cover letter and resume to