The Catholic Bishops of California fervently appeal to each of you, as the elected Senators and Representatives of our California Congressional delegation:  Please step up now to protect the “Dreamers,” our young sisters and brothers from deportation.  Provide them a path to citizenship.  Maintain existing protections for families and unaccompanied minors.

On Monday February 26th we are asking our 12 million Catholic voters from across the state to join in a “National Call-In Day” urging you to find a bipartisan solution for the “Dreamers” and for our country.  Please listen to these voices of reason this coming week.  Heed the voices of the Dreamers with or without DACA status – students, workers, teachers, soldiers, moms and dads – who were brought here unauthorized and without their consent.  They are valuable members of our neighborhoods, our workplaces, and our families.  They are part of the rich social fabric of America.   They have been educated in our schools and are fluent in our language and culture.   They contribute to the common good and should be part of our common future as a nation.

We, along with the majority of Californians, daily watch the pitiful partisan drama unfold, demeaning our public discourse and dismissive of the greater good.   The time for responsible and intelligent immigration reform is now.  Work with each other to solve the dilemma of the “Dreamers.”  Addressing their situation is the immediate first step in a quality national conversation on immigration reform that will take time and require focus. It would be unconscionable to hold young people hostage for political mid-term electoral advantage. Demonstrate good sense and a sound conscience by standing in solidarity with the Dreamers.

The majority of voters, Republican and Democrats alike, want the “Dreamers” situation resolved.  It is time to move beyond partisan agendas.  There is no mutually agreeable perfect solution, but there is common ground for a good solution.

Thank you for your work on behalf of the people of California, including the 700,000 plus California “Dreamers.”  Know that we are praying for you.


The Public Policy Committee of the California Conference of Catholic Bishops

Most Rev. José Gómez

Archbishop of Los Angeles


Most Rev. Salvatore Cordileone

Archbishop of San Francisco

Most Rev. Jaime Soto

Bishop of Sacramento

President, CA Catholic Conference

Most Rev. Kevin Vann

Bishop of Orange

VP, CA Catholic Conference

Most Rev. Robert McElroy

Bishop of San Diego

Secretary, CA Catholic Conference